Do you know when it’s time to re-order aluminum, carbon, and stainless steel for your business? Your ability to order parts with accuracy is dependent upon having clear visibility into inventory.

Ultimately, this comes down to your method of inventory management, which, unfortunately for many businesses these days, remains a manual process.  

According to Wasp Barcode Technologies’ State of the Small Business Report, roughly 43 percent of small businesses in the United States track inventory using paper or spreadsheets. One solution could be to migrate from paper-based and spreadsheet-based methods to using digital barcodes. These tags contain all critical product information in a simple scannable image.

The use of barcodes could help fill three important gaps when it comes to managing inventory.

On the surface, making the switch from analog to digital can seem daunting. But in some instances, getting set up can take less than two weeks. The efficiency and time saved by using barcodes to build order requirements and send them electronically mean better productivity for everyone. It might even help you become an inventory super hero for your company!